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Institute of Information Technologies in Economy
About the University
Public information
Structural Units
KNEU Branches
International relations
Geographical map
Management Centres
Faculty of International Economics and Management
Faculty of Marketing
Faculty of Personnel Management, Sociology and Psychology
Faculty of Accounting and Tax Management
Faculty of Finance
Faculty of Economics and Management
Institute of Law
Institute of Information Technologies in Economy
Institute of Distance Education
Information for Applicants
Educational Programmes
Master Programs
Admission of foreign students
Second higher education
Post-graduate Education Centre (specialist level)
Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies
Department of Scientific Information
Research Institute of Economic Development
Research Institutes
Prevention of academic plagiarism
Principles and model of training doctors of philosophy (PhD) at the university
Reports on the scientific activity of the University
Research with business
Research networks
Periodicals of the University
The Scientific Society of Students, Postgraduates, Doctoral Students and Young Scientists
KNEU Science Park
Campus Life
Psychological Service
Service of Social Adaptation and Psychological Assistance
Curators' page
Ombudsman for Human Students
Students' Civil-society Organisations
Student Campus
Department of Employment Promotion “Perspective”
Centre of Culture and Arts
Dorohamy do prekrasnoho (Roads to the Beauty) Club
Contact information
Department of Informatics and Systemology
Faculty members
Bachelor Degree Courses
Master Degree Courses
Educational and Methodological Work
Research Work
Department of Іnformation Systems in Economics
Faculty members
Bachelor programmes
Master programmes
Bachelor degree courses
Master degree courses
PhD courses
Educational and methodological work
Research work
Educational and research laboratories
Department of Mathematical Modeling and Statistics
Faculty members
Bachelor programmes
Master programmes
Bachelor degree courses
Master degree courses
PhD courses
Educational and methodological work
Research work
Department of Systems Analysis and Cybersecurity
Faculty members
Bachelor programmes
Master programmes
Bachelor degree courses
Master degree courses
Educational and methodological work
Research work
Information for Applicants
Bachelor Degree
Educational Programme «Economic Cybernetics»
Educational Programme «Computer Science»
Educational Programme «Systems Analysis»
Educational Programme «Cybersecurity»
Master Degree
Educational Programme «Economic Cybernetics and Data Science»
Educational Programme «Information Control Systems and Technologies»
Educational Programme «Artificial Intelligence Systems»
Educational Programme «Systems Analysis»
Information for students
Academic council
Institute of Information Technologies in Economy
27 September 2018р.
latest news
Фотозвіт із ознайомлення з матеріальною базою спеціальності 122 "Комп'ютерні науки"
05 June 2020y.
Відеозвіт із ознайомлення з матеріальною базою спеціальності 122 "Комп'ютерні науки"
05 June 2020y.
Студентка Інституту інформаційних технологій в економіці Івлієва Катерина Геннадіївна – переможець ІІ туру Всеукраїнського конкурсу студентських наукових робіт зі спеціалізації «Економічна кібернетика» 2019/2020 н.р.
06 May 2020y.
Студент Інституту інформаційних технологій в економіці Войніков Микола – переможець ІІ туру Всеукраїнського конкурсу студентських наукових робіт зі спеціалізації «Економічна кібернетика» 2018/2019н.р.
21 April 2019y.
Оголошуємо набір на безкоштовні курси з Веб-розробки
27 September 2018y.
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