Research WorkPetrenko, L. Stability and reliability of functioning system of economic security company [Text] / L. Petrenko //Modeling and information systems in the economy: Interdepartmental Scientific compilation; [editor in chief Golitsyn V.] — K. KNEU, 2015. — Edition 91.1. — P. 182 — 189. Abstract.In the article the considered questions, related to the estimation of high-quality properties of functioning of control system by economic security enterprise, such as firmness and reliability. In-process with sufficient plenitude there are the considered factors which influence on afore-mentioned properties of the system. Krasyuk, Iu. Supportive notes of lectures as integral component of educational materials on informatics [Text] / Iu. Krasiuk, M. Silchenko, T. Kucheriava, G. Supruniuk // Science and Education a New Dimension. Pedagogy and Psychology. — Budapesht, 2015. — Vyp. III(29), Issue: 57. — S. 29—34. Abstract.The article discusses the place of the reference to the abstract structure of educational complex in economic science, methodical features of its design and capabilities to enhance the cognitive activity of students in the conditions of use of the reference outline of lectures on innovation and for students' independent work. Krasiuk, Iu. Interdisciplinaryintegration ties as a mechanism of implementation competence approach in educational process [Text] / Krasiuk Iu., Zadorozhnia T. //Rozvytok intelektual'nykh umin' i tvorchykh zdibnostey uchniv ta studentiv u protsesi navchannya dystsyplin pryrodnycho-matematychnoho tsyklu «ITM*plyus — 2015». Materialy II mizhn. nauk.-metod. konf., Sumy, 3—4 hrudnya 2015 r.: Tezy dop.: Sumy.: VVP «Mriya», — 2015. — S.57—59. Abstract.This paper considers the actual problem of the formation of interdisciplinary integration relations as a means of implementation of the competency approach in training. Petrenko, L.Optimizing management of educational process in high school [Text] / L. Petrenko, G. Suprunyuk // Modeling and information systems in the economy: Interdepartmental Scientific compilation; [editor in chief Golitsyn V.] — K. KNEU, 2014. — Edition 90. — P. 182 — 190. Abstract.The sequence of tasks of process of educational process control is in-process considered in higher educational establishment, tasks are formulated and optimum case teaching frames are built, a functional diagram is offered of process management teaching for creation of CAS of control educational process which will provide an effective management the individual educational trajectory of every student by forming of individual educational content. Petrenko, L. Adaptive management of economic security company in unstable environment [Text] / L. Petrenko // Modeling and information systems in the economy: Interdepartmental Scientific compilation; [editor in chief Golitsyn V.] — K. KNEU, 2014. — Edition 90. — P. 63 — 75. Abstract.The article is devoted research of problems of adaptive control economic security of enterprise, which is caused influences of external environment under the action of different destabilizing factors. In-process offered approach to the construction of rational strategy of management of subject of management economic security. Krasiuk, Iu. Systema monitorynhu rezul'tativ navchal'noyi diyal'nosti studentiv [Text] / Abstract.The article describes the peculiarities of the organization and monitoring results of learning activities of students of economic specialties in teaching computer science. Petrenko, L. Analysis of the impact of threats to financial security company by using fuzzy logic methods [Text] / L. Petrenko // Modeling and information systems in the economy: Interdepartmental Scientific compilation; [editor in chief Golitsyn V.] — K. KNEU, 2013. — Edition 88. — P. 63 — 80. Abstract.The main important external and internal menaces of financial security of enterprise are discussed and classified in the article. In the work on basis of synthesis of methods of fuzzy logic and neural networks it's developed the multilevel hierarchical system of evaluation and analyses level of influence the menaces for financial security of enterprise. Petrenko, L. The tax component of financial security as a state security [Text] / L. Petrenko // Modeling and information systems in the economy: Interdepartmental Scientific compilation; [editor in chief Golitsyn V.] — K. KNEU, 2012. — Edition 86. – P. 89 – 98. Abstract.In the article are discussed the concept of tax safety as pars of financial safety of the state. Formation of model of interaction between market subjects and states tax system with the purpose of construction effective tax strategy of return debts, maintenance tax safety of the state are in the work. Petrenko, L. Analysis of approaches the formation of integral indicator of financial security company [Text] / L. Petrenko, A. Begun // Collection of scientific papers. «Scientific notes» – K. KNEU – 2012, № 14. Part. ІІ – P. 96-106. Abstract.In the article are discussed the key factors and forms of enterprise financial risk and its impact on the financial security of enterprise. It is set that identify in time, correctly estimate, taking all due measures of lower a risk level effectively to manage it with the purpose of minimization of volumes of financial losses, increase the level of the financial security of enterprise. Petrenko, L. Modelling the impact of taxation on the operation of the business in the shade [Text] / L. Petrenko, A. Begun, S. Tretyak // Securities market Ukraine // 2012, № 5—6 , P. 65—69. Abstract.In the article are demonstrated how the processes of the taxation influence on the possibility enterprises activity to moving in the in conditions of shadow economic, was modeled of the conduct of enterprises depending on circumstances of the taxation rates developed in the study. In the article are discussed the shadow economic as a factor of state financial danger. Petrenko, L. The game model of enterprise financial security [Text] / L. Petrenko, A. Begun, Р. Gryukov // Modeling and information systems in the economy: Interdepartmental Scientific compilation; [editor in chief Golitsyn V.] — K. KNEU, 2012. — Edition 86. — P. 68 — 80. Abstract.In the article are discussed the conduct of the gamblers depend on were informed with the level of the financial security of enterprise. In the work proposed the game’s model of the strategy conduct under condition of the available conflict contacts between disputed sides. Petrenko, L. Interconnection financial security and financial viability [Text] / L. Petrenko // Economics and entrepreneurship: collection of scientific papers of young scientists and graduate students [editor in chief Lunyak I.] — K. KNEU, 2010 — Edition 24 — P. 226 — 234. Abstract.In the article complex approach is considered to forming of essence of concept of financial safety of enterprise, which provides defence of him financial interests in the process of development, and stipulate its selection in the separate object of management. Petrenko, L. Fuzzy-multiple model in the management of financial security company [Text] / L. Petrenko // Modeling and information systems in the economy: Interdepartmental Scientific compilation; [editor in chief Golitsyn V.] — K. KNEU, 2010 — Edition 82 — P. 156 — 168. Abstract.The article is devoted to the vital question – management by the financial security of enterprise, that is very actual problem for all enterprises today. In the work proposed the fuzzy logic model for analysis the of financial security level, that bases on financial exponents of enterprise. The main moments in the article are concentrated on the forming integral exponent by the financial security of enterprise. The system of informational support in educational administration [Text] / Iu. Krasiuk, M. Silchenko, I. Shabalina, A. Makhotkina // Modeling and information systems in the economy; [editor in chief Golitsyn V.] — K. KNEU, 2008 – Edition 77 — P. 277—286. Abstract.This article describes the way of creating a multilevel system of informational support in educational administration. The methods of complex rating system control and evaluation of students knowledges, skills and abilities implementation on the macro- and microprojecting level of educational activity administration process are provided. The technology of realization of the first system’s level — electronic journal is described. Petrenko, L. Analysis of approaches the formation of integral indicator of financial security company [Text] / L. Petrenko // Modeling and information systems in the economy: Interdepartmental Scientific compilation; [editor in chief Golitsyn V.] — K. KNEU, 2008 — Edition 77 — P. 142 — 152. Abstract.In the article for determination of integral index there are the considered methods which for today are most often used in scientific researches: methods of expert estimations, ekonomiko mathematical and statistical methods. Petrenko, L. Formation of the financial component of the balanced scorecard in the management of economic security company [Text] / L. Petrenko, A. Begun // Modeling and information systems in the economy: Interdepartmental Scientific compilation; [editor in chief Golitsyn V editor in chief] — K. KNEU, 2005 — Edition 75 — P. 240 — 254. Abstract.The article is devoted research of problems of forming of the financial component system of the balanced indexes in the management of enterprise economic security., that provides more complete and exact diagnostics of the state of financial safety being in charge a subject. A construction and introduction of the system of the balanced indexes as an effective tool will give possibility to develop the effective strategic plans of providing of high economic strength of enterprise which is one of the most important tasks of management security. Dybkova, L. Information and communication technologies in the context the evaluation of the results of teaching students of universities of Ukraine/L. Dybkova // Information Technologies and Learning Tools. – 2016. – № 2 (52). The article is devoted to assessing the results of training activities the students by using modern information and communication technologies. The author stresses that the aims of current educational system are not only the acquisition of future professional knowledge and skills, but also the formation of abilities to their constant updates and upgrades in future professional activity. The article presents the learning tasks, which are based on learning activities of students during the lectures, practical classes, independent work and tests. Activation of students’ evaluation activities is also promoted by their maximum awareness about criteria of evaluation the results each discipline, as well as the availability of educational outcomes for students using electronic register which are accessed from Internet. Dybkova, L. Designing of interactive learning tasks and evaluation of results of their implementation/L. Dybkova // Proceedings of Voronezh State University. Series: Problems of higher education– 2015. – № 1. – P. 31–35. The article focuses on designing of various types of learning tasks in the context of development of professional and personal student competences. Approaches to the creation of learning tasks on lectures, practical classes and during independent work are analyzed. The problem of influence of quality of learning task on success of the training activities is emphasized. Dybkova, L. The evaluation of professional competence of future specialist as an integrated system / L. Dybkova // Teoretichniy ta naukovo-metodichniy chasopis «Vischa osvit Ukrayini». Tematichniy vipusk «Evropeyska Integratsiya vischoyi osviti Ukrayini u konteksti Bolonskogo protsesu» – Tematichniy vipusk «Evropeyska Integratsiya vischoyi osviti Ukrayini u konteksti Bolonskogo protsesu» № 3, dodatok2. – K.: Institut vischoyi osviti NAPN Ukrayini, 2015. – P. 23–28. In the context of competence approach evaluation of learning outcomes is seen as a complete system. All components of the system are interconnected and coordinated. Providing high-quality education is carried out through the development and evaluation of professional competencies list. It is located in training program of specialist. It is essential to include the experts from the business environment in the process of determining competencies of future specialist. The level of development of these competencies must be analyzed during audits at various stages of the educational process. It is important to identify the learning outcomes of students. These results represent the basic subject knowledge, skills learned ways of working, the effects of creative activity and others. The elaboration educational evaluation tools (criteria, indicators, scales, units, etc.) is a significant factor. The author stresses that the integrity of the assessment caused by integrative nature of the interaction of all components on the basis of consistency of goals subjects of educational process. The article also focuses on the importance of developing the methodological and regulatory support, implement training of teachers for the evaluation. Dybkova, L. Methods of teaching of professionally oriented academic discipline as a factor of influencing for results the training of the students / L. Dybkova //Problemi osviti: nauk. zb. – K.: Institu Innovatsiynih tehnologiy zmistu osvit MON Ukrayini, 2015. – Vip. 80. – P. 101–106. The article is devoted to the problem of development of teaching methods of academic disciplines in high school.The significance of the importance of preliminary analysis science-based methods of conduct of the structural components of the educational process in the modern university (the lectures, the practical and independent works) are grounded. An important role of the teachers’ pedagogical competence in the design of learning methods is substantiated in the article. Dybkova, L. Subjectness of the students in the context of the evaluation of learning outcomes/ L. Dybkova // Problemyi sovremennogo pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya. Ser.: Pedagogika i psihologiya. – Sb. statey. – Yalta: RVV KGU, 2015. – Vyip. 47. – Ch. 5 . – P. 55–62. The article discusses the development of a subject position of the students in the context of the evaluation of the results of their training activities.The pedagogical conditions are analyzed, the methods for enhancing student learning are proposed. Dybkova, L. Self-efficacy of university students as the factor of success in their future careers/ L. Dybkova// Problemyi sovremennogo pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya. Ser.: Pedagogika i psihologiya. – Sb. statey. – Yalta: RVV KGU, 2014. – Vyip. 46. – Ch. 7 . – P. 53–60. The article focuses on the problem of the influence self-efficacy on success of learning activities. It is a critical determinant how well knowledge and skills of the students are acquired. The teaching methods can improve development of personal and professional competencies of the future specialist. Dybkova, L. Realization of the systems approach during evaluation of results educational activity of students/L. Dybkova//Naukovi zapysky: [collection of articles]. – K.: Publishers of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, 2014. – Issue CXXII (122). – P. 34–43. The article is devoted to the issue to application of the systems approach in pedagogical researches. It was accented that consideration of object as system allows to educe his internal and external intercommunications, to analyze the components of this system with detecting of their place and functions. It is found out, that the methodology of the systems approach in the evaluation of results educational activity of students is necessary. Dybkova, L. Activation ofstudents’ evaluation activities during learning/L. Dybkova // Otkryitoe i distantsionnoe obrazovanie. – 2014. – № 4 (56). – P. 49–55. The article presents learning tasks developed by the author, which is based on active learning activities of students and represents a compact form of the final result of the specific educational issues. The tasks performance excludes such a negative factor as teacher subjectivism in evaluation. Students themselves correct mistakes striving to presents the standard response given in the task. The teacher acts as a consultant, sees and analyzes the performance of each student and, if necessary, helps and guides in finding the desired result. Activation of students’ evaluation activities is also promoted by their maximum awareness at an early stage of learning about the current and final system of each discipline, as well as the availability of educational outcomes for students using electronic register via remote access to the Internet. Dybkova, L. The impact of professional competence of university teachers on students’ l earning outcomes/ L. Dybkova // Teoretichniy ta naukovo-metodichniy chasopis«Vischa osvita Ukrayini». Tematichniy vipusk «Evropeyska integratsiya vischoyi osviti Ukrayini v konteksti Bolonskogo protsesu» – K.: DP «NVTs «Prioriteti», 2014. – № 3 (dodatok1). – P. 156–159. The article is devoted to the problem of evaluation teachers’ professional competence. The significance of professional self-perfection for teachers is substantiated. The author touch upon the issues of pedagogical skill and professional self-development of teachers. It has been proved an important role of pedagogical competence when evaluating the results of students’ learning outcomes. Dybkova, L., Ostapenko, E. Preparation and estimation of the education project in higher education institution / L. Dybkova, E. Ostapenko // Vestnik Bryanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Pedagogika. Psihologiya. – 2014. – №1. – P. 139–143. Main stages of a study project creation and evaluation are analyzed in the article. Project targets are singled out, challenges facing teachers are examined and solutions are offered. Attention is focused on development of students’ traits of character. Importance of self-analysis, reflection, and group reflection is emphasized, and significance of a student self-evaluation activity in a project work is accentuated. Dybkova, L. The interaction in evaluation activities in educational processof modern university / L. Dybkova // Visnik Natsionalnogo aviatsiynogo universitetu. Seriya: Pedagogika. PsihologIya: zb. nauk. pr. – K.: NAU, 2014. – Vip. 1 (4). – P. 55–59. The interaction of all participants in the process of the evaluation of the results the training activities of the university students are discussed in this article. These problems are caused of development of global and national science, economics and educational practice. The main componentsis analyzed, the prospects of improvementis offered. Dybkova, L. Independent work of students as a necessary component formation of professionalism of the specialists, its organization and evaluation of results /L. Dybkova// Naukoviy chasopis natsionalnogo pedagogichnogo universitetu imeni M. P. Dragomanova. SerIya№ 5. Pedagogichni nauki: realiyi taperspektivi. – Vipusk43 : zbirnik naukovih prats. – K. : Vid-vo NPU imeni M. P. Dragomanova, 2013. –P. 41–48. The article is devoted to the problem organization of individual work of students. The significance of development of criteria for evaluating the results of the implementation educational tasks is substantiated. Dybkova, L. The professional self-perfection of the teachers in modern university / L. Dybkova, E. Ostapenko //Problemi suchasnoyi pedagogichnoyi osviti. Ser.: Pedagogika i psihologiya. – Yalta: RVV KGU, 2013. – Vip. 40. – Ch. 4. – P. 37–45. The article is devoted to the problem of university teachers’ professional self-perfection. The significance of professional self-perfection for teachers is substantiated. The authors touch upon the issues of pedagogical skill and professional self-development of teachers, throw light on the key problems, and recommend activization methods for teacher’s professional self-perfection. The importance of the university in the system of teacher’s professional self-perfection is emphasized.The specific features of the investigated phenomenon are described. Dybkova, L. The quality of education in the modern university in the context development of skills the self-education of the students /L. Dybkova//Vischa osvita Ukrayini: teoretichniy ta naukovo-metodichniy chasopis. – Tematichniy vipusk «Evropeyska integratsiya vischoyi osviti Ukrayini v konteksti Bolonskogo protsesu» – K.: DP«NVTs«Prioriteti», 2013. – № 3 (dodatok2). – P. 19–22. The article deals with the concept of «self-education» in the context of the quality the education in higher education. It was analyzed the methods and forms of self-education activities. The importance of the development of personal skills of future professionals is accentuated. Dybkova, L. The interactive informationtechnologies in the educationalprocess of modernuniversity/ L. Dybkova// Vischa osvita Ukrayini: teoretichniy ta naukovo-metodichniy chasopis. Tematichniy vipusk «Naukovo-metodichni zasadi upravlinnya yakistyu osviti u vischih navchalnih zakladah» – Lutsk: SPD Gadyak Zhanna Volodimirivna, drukarnya«VolinPoligraf»™, 2013. – № 2 (dodatok2). – P. 364–371. The article discusses the benefits of the introduction interactive information technology in the structural components of the educational process of modern university: lectures, practical work. The attention is focused on the rapid feedback between participants of the educational process. The problem of the influence on the development of personal competencies the future specialists is analyzed. Dybkova, L.The management process of evaluating the results of student outcomes in higher education / L. Dybkova // Problemi suchasnoyi pedagogichnoyi osviti. Ser.: Pedagogika i psihologiya. – Yalta: RVV KGU, 2013. – Vip. 38. – Ch. 1. – P. 13–20. This article discusses one of the most important aspects of modern education – the management of evaluating the students’ educational results. It has been proved importance of the previous stages for educational planning results. It has been analyzed the main stages, defined components that are being developed at each level Dybkova, L.Planning educational outcomes – a prerequisite for the success of university students / L. Dybkova // Duhovnist osobistosti: metodologiya, teoriya i praktika: Zbirnik naukovih prats. – Lugansk: Vid-vo LNU im. V. Dalya, 2013. – Vip. 3 (56). – P. 50–63. This article discusses one of the most important aspects of modern education - the evaluation of the results the training activities of the university students. The author of the article accentuates the importance of preliminary planning of educational results and analyzes its main stages. Dybkova, L. Professional competence of university professor in carrying out the control measures / L. Dybkova //Molod i rinok, №3 (74), 2011. – P. 78–82. In article is considered one of the most important aspects of modern education – the professional competence of a teacher. It has been proved an important role of pedagogical competence when evaluating the results of university students training. The development of a wide network of institutions for the improvement of professional competence of the modern teacher is emphasized. Dybkova, L. Modern methods of control in the universities / L. Dybkova // Molod i rinok. – 2011. – № 1 (72). – P. 49–53. This article discusses one of the most important aspects of modern education: the control and evaluate the results of the training activity students. The methods of control in the context of the development of modern education: oral and written surveys, test control, self-control, control for performing skills etc are analyzed. Dybkova, L. Information and communication technologies as an effective way of implementation in the study of the principle of visibility /L. Dybkova//Information Technologies and Learning Tools, [S.l.], v. 20, n. 6, feb. 2011. ISSN 2076-8184. Available at: Date accessed: 11 jan. 2016 Information and communications technology — one of the important factors that influence the formation of the society of the XXI century. The learning process hadn't remained aloof from such changes. This article discusses the implementation into educational activities of the principle of visibility by using modern information and communication technologies. This approach facilitates a combination of concrete to the abstract and the rational with the irrational, between theory and practice base for self-study and systematization of educational material. Using information and communication technologies, training information can be represented as: mathematical model; structural logic, art, multimedia, images, charts, etc. Applying this approach, increases the perception of students of educational information, understanding its logic and structure, which leads to increased motivation to learn and improve efficiency of training activities. Dybkova, L. Academic success in the context of competence approach /L. Dybkova/ Information Technologies and Learning Tools, [S.l.], v. 15, n. 1, aug. 2010. ISSN 2076-8184. Available at: Date accessed: 11 jan. 2016. The article is devoted the problem of evaluation of results of students educational activity in the context of competence approach. Research actuality is conditioned by socio-political, economic and cultural processes which take place in modern society under act of globalization. These processes require from the system of education an innovative approach in preparation of future specialists. Students acquisition of high level competences, selected in the on-line training in preparation for the proper specialty, will provide them with permanent update of knowledge, successful finding of decisions for problem tasks, independence, self-efficiency while implementation of their professional duties. Existent forms and methods of evaluation of educational achievements are complemented and approved within the framework of the competence approach.