Institute of Information Technologies in Economy

Research Work

The department is a center of scientific research and development in the field of systems analysis, information technologies, artificial intelligence, complex systems modeling and distance education. The teachers and scientists of the department are actively working on the development of new methods and tools that are used in the financial sector, education, management and other areas. The results of their research are published in leading scientific journals and implemented in the educational process, ensuring the relevance and practical orientation of educational programs.

Currently, the department is working on the research project "Theoretical and applied aspects of modeling complex systems using information technologies and artificial intelligence methods" (0123U102761).

The scientific and pedagogical staff of the department have been engaged in developing a model of distance learning for many years, including within the framework of project 101083143 - DEFEP "Distance Education for Future: best EU practices in response to the requests of modern higher education seekers and labor market" within the framework of the Erasmus+ program in the direction ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-STRAND-2 - Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education: Strand 2 - Partnerships for transformation in higher education.

The department is also actively involved in the formation of the KNEU digital ecosystem, in particular, the development of the KNEU scientific publications portal, the KNEU Campus website, and the web interface of the "Automated Class Scheduler" system:

  • the staff of the Department of Coordination and Monitoring of Publications and the Department of Informatics and Systemology developed the portal of scientific publications of KNEU. The main goal is to create a single portal that hosts full-text electronic versions of all issues of scientific journals and monographs of the university, for systematization in Crossref and indexing by search engines and scientometric databases (such as Scopus, Web of Science, etc.);
  • the main purpose of the Campus website is to create a database that includes information about the campus: dormitories (description, type, management, location, contacts, photos), rooms (description, photos), campus residents, automation and monitoring of the campus room stock (settlement, relocation, search, etc.), automation of the process of settling students in dormitories (entering student data, checking the possibility of settlement, uploading necessary documents, choosing a dormitory and room, receiving a settlement order). The system also includes a campus map with relevant information: settlement algorithm, location and description of dormitories, feedback, etc.;
  • the web interface of the "Automated Class Scheduling System" system provides access to the system from any computer or mobile device connected to the Internet, has a simple and understandable interface, which makes it easier for all users to work with it. The system provides convenient means of communication between the administration, scientific and pedagogical staff and applicants, provides up-to-date and reliable information about the schedule, and helps to increase the efficiency of the educational process.

The department of informatics and systems is also an active participant in international scientific cooperation, participating in joint projects with leading universities and scientific institutions around the world. This contributes to the exchange of knowledge and experience, as well as the integration of Ukrainian science into the global scientific space.


  1. Derbentsev, V., Matviychuk, A., & Soloviev, V. N. (2020). Forecasting of cryptocurrency prices using machine learning. In L. Pichl, C. Eom, E. Scalas, & T. Kaizoji (Eds.), Advanced Studies of Financial Technologies and Cryptocurrency Markets. Springer.
  2. Frolova T.O., Krasiuk I.M. National system of quality assurance of higher education. Competitive models of higher education quality management in the 21st century: monograph / ed. D.G. Lukyanenko, L.L. Antonyuk K.: KNEU, 2021. Chap. 4, item 3. P. 344-365.

  3. Lakhno, V., Malyukov, V., Kasatkin, D., Chubaieskyi, V., Rzaieva, S., Rzaiev, D. (2022). Continuous Investing in Advanced Fuzzy Technologies for Smart City. In: Buyya, R., Hernandez, S.M., Kovvur, R.M.R., Sarma, T.H. (eds) Computational Intelligence and Data Analytics. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 142. Springer, Singapore.
  4. L.M. Petrenko, S.O. Kravtsov. Design of an e-commerce database. Information systems and technologies for managing socio-economic processes in the branches of the economy: a collective monograph. Riga, Latvia: Baltija Publishing, 2023. 276 с. С. 125-153. URL:
  5. Danylenko, O., Poplavska, O., Danylevych, N., & Silchenko, M. (2024). Soft and hard skills for the development of young IT specialists: Actual challenges in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine. In E. Faure, et al. (Eds.), Information Technology for Education, Science, and Technics. ITEST 2024. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies (Vol. 222). Springer, Cham.