Institute of Information Technologies in Economy

Educational and Methodological Work

In recent years, the teachers of the department of informatics and systemology have been forming an integrative educational and methodological complex on innovative principles, which includes distance learning courses in academic disciplines, textbooks, teaching and methodological manuals, supporting lecture notes, workshops, collections of cases, and collections of tasks for monitoring knowledge. The use of such a complex for each academic discipline provides the following opportunities:

  • to familiarize students with the educational material (distance courses in academic disciplines, textbooks, teaching aids for independent study of the discipline, supporting lecture notes);
  • through a system of exercises designed for independent performance by students, to develop in them the skills and abilities to practically apply relevant knowledge (distance courses in academic disciplines, teaching aids for independent study of the discipline, supporting lecture notes, workshops, collections of cases);
  • through the completion of test tasks for students' self-control (they include codes of correct answers), correct the results of their educational activities and develop skills of self-analysis and self-control (distance courses in academic disciplines, teaching aids for independent study of the discipline, workshops, collections of tasks for knowledge control);
  • promptly contact the teacher for advice or assistance (distance learning courses).

This educational methodology is based on a systems approach to learning applied informatics by students of various specialties, which manifests itself in focus on the integration of knowledge and skills, the use of training and case study methods, the development of appropriate test items, use structural and logic diagrams, terminology dictionary. Distance courses of educational disciplines and educational publications prepared by the teachers of the department provide propaedeutic, educational, controlling and integrating functions.

List of educational publications on disciplines taught at the department

Textbooks and manuals:


  1. Informatics. Practical course based on the analytical-reconstructive method / L.M. Dybkova, I.M. Krasyuk; ed. by O.D. Sharapova— K.: KNEU, 2016— 237 p.— 10 printed sheets. (Ukrainian)
  2. Derbentsev V.D., Pasichnyk Yu.V., Prikhno I.M., Voloshchuk G.O., Gordienko L.A. Scientific research: economic and mathematical direction: textbook. Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2016. – 725 p. (Ukrainian)
  3. Petrenko L.M. Informatics and Computer Engineering: a workshop for students of legal specialties / Petrenko L.M., Rzaev D.O., Bazylevych M.D., Krasiuk Y.M. - K.: KNEU, 2014. - 524 p. (Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, letter No. 1/11 of 02.07.2014) (Ukrainian)
  4. Informatics: computer analysis of economic data: knowledge monitoring: a collection of practical tasks / M.V. Silchenko, T.O. Kucheryava, I.M. Krasiuk; edited by O.D. Sharapov - K.: KNEU, 2012. 354 p. (Ukrainian)
  5. Informatics and computer technology: a manual for students of higher educational institutions / L. M. Dybkova. – 4th ed. – Kyiv: Akademvydav, 2012. – 464 p. (Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Letter No. 1/11-5461 dated 06/21/2010) (Ukrainian)
  6.  Informatics: complex cases / I.M.Krasiuk, M.V.Silchenko, I.V.Shabalina, T.O.Kucheryava; under the editorship of O.D.Sharapov - K.: KNEU, 2012 - 267 p. (Ukrainian)
  7. Informatics: innovative teaching technologies. Workshop: a textbook / M.V.Silchenko, I.M.Krasiuk, T.O.Kucheryava, I.V.Shabalina; under the editorship of O.D.Sharapov - K.: KNEU, 2010 - 467 p. (Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Letter № 1/11-3192 of 16.04.10) (Ukrainian)
  8. Economic informatics: a study guide for self-study of disciplines / M.V.Silchenko, I.M.Krasiuk; under the editorship of O.D.Sharapov - K.: KNEU, 2010 - 601 p. (Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Letter № 1.4/18-G-1342 of 11.06.08) (Ukrainian)
  9. Sydorenko, V.M. Engineering and computer graphics [Text]: teaching-methodical manual for independent study of the discipline / V. M. Sydorenko; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, State Higher Educational Institution "Kyiv National Economic University named after V. Hetman". - Kyiv: KNEU, 2009. - 161 p. (Ukrainian)
  10. Kucheriava T.O., Silchenko M.V., Shabalina I.V. Informatics and computer technology: activation of learning. Workshop for individual work. - 2nd edition, unchanged. - K.: KNEU, 2008. - 448 p. (Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Letter No. 14/18.2-300 of 23.12.05) (Ukrainian)
  11.  Informatics and computer technology: Educational and methodological manual for independent study of the discipline / D. O. Rzaev, O. D. Sharapov, V. M. Ignatenko, L. M. Dybkova - Kyiv: KNEU, 2006. - 486 p. (Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine) (Ukrainian)
  12. Economic cybernetics: teaching-methodical. manual for independent study of the dissertation / O.D. Sharapov, D.E. Semyonov, V.D. Derbentsev — K.: KNEU, 2004.— 231 p. (Ukrainian)
  13. System analysis: teaching-methodical manual for independent study of dissertations / O.D. Sharapov, D.E. Semyonov, V.D. Derbentsev — K.: KNEU, 2003.— 154 p. (Ukrainian)

Other educational publications:

  • Silchenko, M.V. Business Intelligence (usingMS Office). Reference outline.’ / M.V. Silchenko - 3rd ed: (Certificate of copyright registration No. 93826 dated 12.11.2019) (Ukrainian)
  • Silchenko, M.V. Applied Informatics. Reference outline (for students of the Faculty of Finance and the Faculty of International Economics and Management) / M.V. Silchenko, T.O. Kucheryava - 2nd edition, supplemented and revised - K.: Centre for Educational Literature, 2020. 189 p. (Certificate of copyright registration No. 93829 dated 12.11.2019) (Ukrainian)
  • Business informatics in structural and logical schemes and examples. Reference outline / I.M. Krasiuk, T.O. Kucheryava, M.V. Silchenko - 2nd edition, supplemented and revised - K.: Centre for Educational Literature, 2020. 140 p. (Certificate of copyright registration No. 93822 dated 12.11.2019) (Ukrainian)
  • Silchenko, M.V. Methodical recommendations for students on distance learning using the Moodle system. [Electronic edition] / M.V. Silchenko - K.: KNEU, 2015. - 35 p. Access mode: (Ukrainian)



Last redaction: 17.02.25