Research workThe Scientific School of Information Systems and Technologies, established at the Department, dates back to the late 60s of the twentieth century and is still developing. At present, there are more than 30 innovative areas of activity of the scientific school in the context of the development of the scientific field of Computer Science. The work of the department is complex, and its educational and production activities are coordinated with research work. Improving the scientific level of the staff of the Department of Information Systems in Economics is ensured through the training of Doctors of Philosophy and Doctors of Science through targeted postgraduate and doctoral studies, as well as through attachment to the department in terms of preparing scientific research. Main tasks:
As part of the strategic development of the department, the priority tasks of scientific work for the period from 2025 to 2030 have been formulated and work is underway to implement them in the near future. The Department of Information Systems in Economics has the Institute of Information Systems in Economics (ISIE, Director - Doctor of Economics, Professor S. Ustenko), which carries out research activities in the field of design, development and implementation of automated control systems for complex objects, in particular at enterprises, firms, banks and other organisations using modern information technologies, the results of which are implemented in the educational process of the field of study ‘Computer Science’. Since 2014, the Department of Information Systems in Economics has been providing research and teaching staff, first-, second- and third-level students with material and technical resources and software to perform fundamental and applied research work on the development and application of advanced information systems and technologies in the fields of economics, engineering, education, etc. As part of the development of its scientific potential, the Department of Information Systems in Economics pays considerable attention to working with young people who have a talent and desire to engage in scientific activities. Several areas of research development of young scientists have been formed: a scientific club on robotics, a student research laboratory, the IT-GF-ISE discussion club, etc. In addition, the department and its authorised representatives are working to promote the achievements of their scientific school and scientific areas, scientific and technical events among future applicants and entrants, scientists, researchers, and colleagues from both Ukraine and abroad. The Department of Information Systems in Economics is actively involved in the training of highly qualified scientific personnel. The Department of Information Systems in Economics is involved in the implementation of several large-scale logistical and innovative projects. Among the positive results of the department's scientific activity is the increase in the number of scientific publications in journals included in international scientometric databases (Scopus, Web of Science, Copernicus and others). As part of the scientific activities of the Department of Information Systems in Economics, the International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists, Postgraduates and Students ‘Modern Information Technologies and Systems in Management’, scientific round tables, scientific clubs, and competitions in information systems programming are held, which are attended by students of the first, second and third levels of education, young scientists and researchers from Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Bulgaria and other countries. Last redaction: 20.02.25 |