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- Prytomanova Olha Mykhailivna
Olha Prytomanova Department: | Department of Mathematical Modeling and Statistics |
Position: | professor |
Teacher degree: | professor |
Degree: | Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences |
Teaching Experience: | 37 |
Education 1973-1978 — Dnipropetrovsk State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, specialty according to the diploma: "applied mathematics", qualification of a specialist "mathematician" 1999-2001 — Dnipropetrovsk National University, Institute of Economics, specialty according to the diploma: "banking", qualification of a master scientific degree — Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, dissertation in the scientific specialty 01.05.01 - Theoretical Foundations of Informatics and Cybernetics on the topic "Fuzzy Problems of Optimal Partitioning of Sets: Theoretical Foundations, Methods and Algorithms for Solution" defended on 11/13/2020 in the Specialized Academic Council at Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University scientific degree — Candidate of Economic Sciences; dissertation in the scientific specialty 08.00.11 - mathematical methods, models and information technologies in economics on the topic "Credit risk modeling based on neuro-fuzzy technologies" was defended on 08.06.2004 at the specialized academic council at the Oles Honchar Dnipro National University. academic title - professor of the Department of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Cybernetics (2022) academic title - associate professor of the Department of Computer Processing of Financial and Economic Information (2007)
Work experience From 1978 to August 2022, she worked at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University as a senior mathematician of the interuniversity computing center, a teacher of computer science at the Lyceum of Information Technologies, a senior teacher, an associate professor, head of the Department of Computer Processing of Financial and Economic Information, a professor of the Department of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Cybernetics. Since 2022, she has been working at the V. Hetman Kyiv National University of Economics 2022 - to the present - Professor of the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Statistics Guarantor of the educational and professional program "Economic Cybernetics" of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education, specialty 051 "Economics", field of knowledge 05 "Social and Behavioral Sciences"
Performing the functions of editor-in-chief/member of the editorial board of a scientific publication, member of the organizing committee of a scientific conference: • From 2018 to the present - a member of the editorial board of the professional periodical of Ukraine of category "B" "Issues of Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling" (published by Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, since 2001). https://pm-mm.dp.ua/index.php/pmmm/editorial_board • Member of the organizing committee of the international scientific and practical conference "Mathematical and software support of intelligent systems MPZIS" (held annually) since 2003 http://surl.li/iipilz • Member of the organizing committee of the XXVIII International Conference on Automatic Control "Automation 2024", Dnipro, November 20-22, 2024 http://automatika2024.dp.ua/orh-komitet.html Advanced training and internships 1. Vadym Hetman KNEU, Anatoliy Poruchnyk Educational and Scientific Institute of Business Education, program "Accreditation Coaching", 05/31/2024, 180 hours (6 credits). 2. Vadym Hetman KNEU, Anatoliy Poruchnyk Educational and Scientific Institute of Business Education, program "Distance Technologies in the Educational Space of the University", 04/24/2023, 120 hours (4 credits) 3. Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Educational and Methodological Center for Postgraduate Education and Advanced Training, program "Modern Information Technologies in the Educational Process of Higher Education", 11/09/2020, 60 hours (2 credits) 4. IT Ukraine Association, програма «IT Ukraine Association Teacher’s Internship program held by EPAM Systems (Project Management, General tech Module, Technology Specific Module», January-February 2022, 180 hours (6 credits) 5. University of Applied Sciences (ISMA, Riga, Latvia) Higher School of Information Systems Management (Riga, Latvia), topic: "Theory and Practice of Scientific and Pedagogical Approaches in Education", 12/22/2021, 180 hours (6 credits) 6. University of Portsmouth, Great Britain (University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom), topic "Information Systems and Technologies, Operations Research, Information Management", 28.06.2021, 60 hours (2 credits) Level of foreign language proficiency Certificate in language education: English language, exam name FCE, level B2, year of receipt 2021 https://langskill.co.uk/wp-content/docs/19W74U501DP07.jpg Participation in community organizations Member of "Dnipro IT Community" - an association of representatives of the IT industry, education and regional authorities, created to implement joint projects and develop the information technology industry. (Cooperation Agreement dated January 18, 2017) https://itdni.pro/pro-nas-it-dnipro-community/ |
 Department: | Department of Mathematical Modeling and Statistics |
Position: | professor |
Teacher degree: | professor |
Degree: | Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences |
Teaching Experience: | 37 |
Biography: | |
Education 1973-1978 — Dnipropetrovsk State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, specialty according to the diploma: "applied mathematics", qualification of a specialist "mathematician" 1999-2001 — Dnipropetrovsk National University, Institute of Economics, specialty according to the diploma: "banking", qualification of a master scientific degree — Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, dissertation in the scientific specialty 01.05.01 - Theoretical Foundations of Informatics and Cybernetics on the topic "Fuzzy Problems of Optimal Partitioning of Sets: Theoretical Foundations, Methods and Algorithms for Solution" defended on 11/13/2020 in the Specialized Academic Council at Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University scientific degree — Candidate of Economic Sciences; dissertation in the scientific specialty 08.00.11 - mathematical methods, models and information technologies in economics on the topic "Credit risk modeling based on neuro-fuzzy technologies" was defended on 08.06.2004 at the specialized academic council at the Oles Honchar Dnipro National University. academic title - professor of the Department of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Cybernetics (2022) academic title - associate professor of the Department of Computer Processing of Financial and Economic Information (2007)
Work experience From 1978 to August 2022, she worked at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University as a senior mathematician of the interuniversity computing center, a teacher of computer science at the Lyceum of Information Technologies, a senior teacher, an associate professor, head of the Department of Computer Processing of Financial and Economic Information, a professor of the Department of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Cybernetics. Since 2022, she has been working at the V. Hetman Kyiv National University of Economics 2022 - to the present - Professor of the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Statistics Guarantor of the educational and professional program "Economic Cybernetics" of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education, specialty 051 "Economics", field of knowledge 05 "Social and Behavioral Sciences"
Performing the functions of editor-in-chief/member of the editorial board of a scientific publication, member of the organizing committee of a scientific conference: • From 2018 to the present - a member of the editorial board of the professional periodical of Ukraine of category "B" "Issues of Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling" (published by Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, since 2001). https://pm-mm.dp.ua/index.php/pmmm/editorial_board • Member of the organizing committee of the international scientific and practical conference "Mathematical and software support of intelligent systems MPZIS" (held annually) since 2003 http://surl.li/iipilz • Member of the organizing committee of the XXVIII International Conference on Automatic Control "Automation 2024", Dnipro, November 20-22, 2024 http://automatika2024.dp.ua/orh-komitet.html Advanced training and internships 1. Vadym Hetman KNEU, Anatoliy Poruchnyk Educational and Scientific Institute of Business Education, program "Accreditation Coaching", 05/31/2024, 180 hours (6 credits). 2. Vadym Hetman KNEU, Anatoliy Poruchnyk Educational and Scientific Institute of Business Education, program "Distance Technologies in the Educational Space of the University", 04/24/2023, 120 hours (4 credits) 3. Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Educational and Methodological Center for Postgraduate Education and Advanced Training, program "Modern Information Technologies in the Educational Process of Higher Education", 11/09/2020, 60 hours (2 credits) 4. IT Ukraine Association, програма «IT Ukraine Association Teacher’s Internship program held by EPAM Systems (Project Management, General tech Module, Technology Specific Module», January-February 2022, 180 hours (6 credits) 5. University of Applied Sciences (ISMA, Riga, Latvia) Higher School of Information Systems Management (Riga, Latvia), topic: "Theory and Practice of Scientific and Pedagogical Approaches in Education", 12/22/2021, 180 hours (6 credits) 6. University of Portsmouth, Great Britain (University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom), topic "Information Systems and Technologies, Operations Research, Information Management", 28.06.2021, 60 hours (2 credits) Level of foreign language proficiency Certificate in language education: English language, exam name FCE, level B2, year of receipt 2021 https://langskill.co.uk/wp-content/docs/19W74U501DP07.jpg Participation in community organizations Member of "Dnipro IT Community" - an association of representatives of the IT industry, education and regional authorities, created to implement joint projects and develop the information technology industry. (Cooperation Agreement dated January 18, 2017) https://itdni.pro/pro-nas-it-dnipro-community/ |
Department: | Department of Mathematical Modeling and Statistics |
Areas of research: | Areas of scientific research - Theoretical foundations of computer science and cybernetics
- Application of Mathematical Methods, Models and Information Technologies in Economics
- Modern problems of optimization and simulation modeling
- Neuro-fuzzy technologies
- Numerical Methods of Infinite-Dimensional Mathematical Programming in Fuzzy Conditions
Profiles in international scientometric databases - Scopus ID: 57192652166
- Researcher ID: GRS-7828-2022
- ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1878-6120
- Scientists of Ukraine (National Library of Ukraine named after V. I. Vernadsky) ID: 0105449
Participation in international scientific and/or educational projects - Participation in the international project "Bridging the gap between university and industry: Master Curricular Supporting the Development of Green Jobs and Digital Skills in the Ukrainian Building Sector" (program: ERASMUS+, direction: KA2 – Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education; project acronym: the BRIDGE; project number: 101127884-ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE-STRAND-2), for a period of 36 months (01.11.2023 – 31.10.2026).
Work as an expert of the competitive selection of fundamental scientific research, applied scientific research, scientific and technical (experimental) developments (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 17.11.2022 No. 1032). An examination of 5 applied research projects was carried out (section 2. Informatics and cybernetics): - "Multi-agent system for the protection of critical infrastructure facilities based on a swarm of multicopter drones"
- "Methods and Means of Information Security and Hygiene Based on Interpreted Artificial Intelligence"
- "Development of a Decision Support System for the Design of Bone Substitutes from Apatite-Biopolymer Composites for Military-Civilian Applications"
- "Development of an intelligent system for detecting military groups by means of radio space analysis"
- "Development of a software and hardware platform for intelligent continuous monitoring of the activity of unauthorized UAVs and countering them based on methods of evolutionary swarm intelligence"
Supervision of a student who won a prize at the I or II stage of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers 1. According to the results of the first stage of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the field of knowledge 11 Mathematics and Statistics in the specialty 113 Applied Mathematics (January 2022), student Don Yaroslava (group PS-20m-1) became the winner of the competition. The topic of the work is "Development of forecasts based on fuzzy models of time series". Scientific supervisor - prof. Prytomanova O.M. 2. According to the results of the first stage of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the field of knowledge 11 Mathematics and Statistics in the specialty 113 Applied Mathematics (January 2022), student Stroeva Hanna (group PS-20m-1) became the winner of the competition. Topic of the work: "Application of the theory of optimal partitioning to solving problems of management of social processes" Supervisor – Prof. Prytomanova O.M. Member of the jury of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers "Quantitative Methods in Economics" in the 2023/2024 academic year |
Uploaded files: | 0 |
Publications: | Total number of publications:130 scientific and educational works
Over the past 5 years: Publications in periodicals included in the list of professional publications of Ukraine, in scientometric databases, in particular Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection: - Bulat, A., Kiseleva, E., Yakovlev, S., Prytomanova, O., Lebediev, D. Solving the Problem of Fuzzy Partition-Distribution with Determination of the Location of Subset Centers. MDPI: Computation, 2024, 12(10).N199. 21p.https://doi.org/10.3390/computation12100199(Scopus)
- Kiseleva O., Prytomanova O., Filat O. Application of clustering methods in solving optimal set partitioning problems. Problems of applied mathematics and mathematical modeling, 2024. Vol. 24. Pp. 76-88. https://doi.org/10.15421/322408
- Kiseleva O., Prytomanova O., Lebediev D. Software for solving the two-stage location-allocation problems. Problems of applied mathematics and mathematical modeling, 2024. Vol. 24. Pp. 99-112. https://doi.org/10.15421/322410
- Kiseleva O., Prytomanova O., Hart L.L., Zaytseva T.A., Kuzenkov O.O. Application of mathematical methods of artificial intelligence to solve problems of optimal set partitioning. Problems of applied mathematics and mathematical modeling, 2024. Vol. 24. Pp. 89-98.https://doi.org/10.15421/322409
- Kiseleva O., Prytomanova O., Filat O. Application of clustering methods for detecting network threats. Problems of applied mathematics and mathematical modeling, 2023. Vol. 23. Pp. 101-108. https://doi.org/10.15421/322311
- Kiseleva O., Prytomanova O., Lebediev D., Filat O. Software for solving the two-stage location-allocation problems. Problems of applied mathematics and mathematical modeling, 2023. Vol. 23. Pp. 94-100. https://doi.org/10.15421/322310
- Bulat A., Kiseleva E., Prytomanova O., Hart L. Generalized Models of Logistics Problems and Approaches to Their Solution Based on the Synthesis of the Theory of Optimal Partitioning and Neuro-Fuzzy Technologies. Book Chapter In: System Analysis and Artificial Intelligence . Studies in Computational Intelligence / Zgurovsky, M., Pankratova, N. (eds). Springer, Cham, 2023. Vol 1107. PP. 355-376. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-37450-0_21(Scopus)
- Kiseleva E. M., Prytomanova O.M., Hart L. L., Blyuss O. Application of the Theory of Optimal Set Partitioning for Constructing Fuzzy Voronoi Diagrams. Chapter in Studies in Computational Intelligence. System Analysis & Intelligent Computing : Theory and Applications. Cham: Springer, 2022. Vol. 1022, P. 287-313. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-94910-5(Scopus).
- Bulat, A., Kiseleva, E., Hart L., Prytomanova, O.Mathematical models of two-stage problems of optimal location-partitioning under uncertainty. Problems of applied mathematics and mathematical modeling, 2022. Vol. 22. Pp. 11-23.https://doi.org/10.15421/322202
- Kiseleva E, Prytomanova O., Padalko V. An Algorithm for constructing additive and multiplicative Voronoi Diagrams Under Uncertainty. Chapter in Lecture Notes in Computational Intelligence and Decision Making. Cham: Springer, 2021. Vol.1246 AISC. P. 714-727. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-54215-3_46(Scopus).
- Kiseleva E.M., Prytomanova O.M., Hart L.L.Application of optimal set partitioning theory to solving problems of artificial intelligence and pattern recognition. System Research and Information Technologies, 2021, 2021(4), pp. 91–101. https://doi.org/10.20535/SRIT.2308-8893.2021.4.07(Scopus).
- Kiseleva E, Prytomanova O., ShcherbyninaM., ZhuravelS. Neuro-fuzzy technologies application for assessment of the association of risk factors for esophageal cancer.Problems of applied mathematics and mathematical modeling, 2021. Vol. 21. Pp.116-129. https://doi.org/10.15421/322112
- Kiseleva O.M., Prytomanova O.M., Serhieiev O.S. An algorithm for solving the optimal set partitioning problem with constraints on the centers location. 2020 IEEE Second International Conference on SYSTEM ANALYSIS & INTELLIGENT COMPUTING. 05-09 October, 2020. Kyiv, Ukraine. P. 78-82. https://doi.org/10.1109/SAIC51296.2020.9239209 (Scopus)
- Kiseleva E., Prytomanova O., Hart L. Solving a Two-stage Continuous-discrete Problem of Optimal Partitioning-Allocation with the Subsets Centers Placement. Open Computer Science. De Gruyter. 2020. Vol 10. P. 124-136. https://doi.org/10.1515/comp-2020-0142 (Scopus)
- Kiseleva E.M., Hart L.L., Prytomanova O.M. Algorithm for constructing Voronoi diagrams with optimal placement of generator points based on theory of optimal set partitioning. Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, 2020. Vol. 52. Issue 3. P. 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1615/JAutomatInfScien.v52.i3.10 (Scopus)
- Kiseleva E.M., Hart L.L., Prytomanova O.M., Zhuravel S.V. Construction of a generalized Voronoi diagram with optimal placement of generator points based on the theory of optimal set partitioning. Matematychni Studii. Vol. 53. №1. 2020. P. 109-112. https://doi.org/10.30970/ms.53.1.109-112(Scopus)
- Blyuss O., ZaikinA., PrytomanovaO.та ін. Development of PancRISK, a urine biomarker-based risk score for stratified screening of pancreatic cancer patients. British Journal of Cancer, 2020, Vol. 122(6). P. 692–696. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41416-019-0694-0(Scopus)
- Kiseleva E.M., Prytomanova O.M., Us S.A. Solving a two-stage continuous-discrete problem of optimal partition-allocation with a given position of the centers of subsets. Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 2020. Vol. 56. No. 1. P. 3-15. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10559-020-00215-y (Scopus)
- Kiseleva E.M., Prytomanova O.M., DonY. Development of a neurofuzzy model for short-term forecasting of the number of Covid-19 cases. Problems of applied mathematics and mathematical modeling, 2020. Vol. 20. Pp.81-92. https://doi.org/10.15421/322008
- Kiseleva E.M., Prytomanova O.M. Fuzzy problem of optimal partitioning of sets with constraints on the location of subset centers. System Research and Information Technology. 2020. №1. С. 78-89. https://doi.org/10.20535/SRIT.2308-8893.2020.1.07
Monographs (with a total volume of at least 5 author's sheets), including those published in co-authorship (with a volume of at least 1.5 author's sheets for each co-author): - Kiseleva O.M., Prytomanova O.M., Gart L.L. Theory of optimal set partitioning. Methods, algorithms, applications. Monograph. Dnipro: Lira, 2024. 608 p. [in Ukrainian]. (25.3 d.a., the author personally owns 8.3 d.a.). ISBN 978-617-8519-06-3
- Kiseleva O.M., Prytomanova O.M., Garth L.L., Baleyko N.V. Fuzzy problems of optimal set partitioning: theoretical foundations, algorithms, applications. Monograph. Dnipro: Lira, 2020. 400 p. [in Ukrainian]. (25 d.a., the author personally owns 6.25 d.a.). ISBN 978-966-981-471-5
Approbation, popular science, consulting, scientific and expert publications on scientific or professional topics: and others, a total of 23 abstracts of reports for the last 5 years. - Prytomanova O.Conceptual Foundations of Simulation Modeling of Economic Dynamics and Features of Their Study by Undergraduate Students. Program of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Economic Analytics: Modern Realities and Prognostic Opportunities" January 24, 2025 URL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a0z8gm7lhjSUERVkhzgnZg9JlAKRBocO/view
- Prytomanova O.Importance and features of the verification and validation stages during the development of simulation models. Economic cybernetics: theory, practice and directions of development. Abstracts of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Odesa, November 29-30, 2024, pp. 200-203. https://economics.net.ua/files/science/ek_kiber/2024/tezy.pdf
- Kiseleva O.M., Prytomanova O.M., Lebedev D. Method of optimal partitioning of a set into fuzzy subsets with the placement of their centers Automation 2024. Abstracts of the XXVII International Conference on Automatic Control. Dnipro: DNU, 2024. P. 123. http://surl.li/ephmfw
- Kiseleva O.М., Prytomanova O.М., Filat O.А. Аpplication of clustering methods in solving optimal set partitioning problems. Automatics 2024. Abstracts of the XXVII International Conference of Automatic Control, Dnipro, November, 20-22, 2024. – Dnipro: DNU, 2024. P. 29 http://surl.li/ephmfw
- Kiseleva O.M., Yakovlev S.V., Prytomanova O.M., Kuzenkov O.O. Mathematical modeling of spatial dynamics of infectious diseases Automatics 2024. Abstracts of the XXVII International Conference of Automatic Control, Dnipro, November, 20-22, 2024. – Dnipro: DNU, 2024. P. 30-32. http://surl.li/ephmfw
- Bulat A.F., Kiseleva O.M., Prytomanova O.M., Gart L.L. On two-stage problems of optimal placement-partitioning under conditions of uncertainty. Mathematical and Software of Intelligent Systems MPZIS-2022: Abstracts of the XIX International Scientific and Practical Conference, Dnipro: DNU, 2022. Pp. 44-45. http://mpzis.dnu.dp.ua/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/MPZIS-2022-1.pdf
- Kiseleva O.M., Prytomanova O.M., Stroeva V.O., Stroeva G.V. Study of the problems of control of social processes by means of the theory of optimal partitioning Mathematical and software support of intelligent systems MPZIS-2022: Abstracts of reports of the XIX International Scientific and Practical Conference, Dnipro: DNU, 2022. P. 103. http://mpzis.dnu.dp.ua/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/MPZIS-2022-1.pdf
- Prytomanova O.M., Bezrodnya T.V. Development of a system for supporting economic decision-making using Microsoft Power BI tools. Mathematical and Software of Intelligent Systems MPZIS-2021: Abstracts of Reports of the XIX International Scientific and Practical Conference, Dnipro: DNU, 2021. pp. 155-156. http://mpzis.dnu.dp.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/mpzis-2021.pdf
- Prytomanova O.M., Krisanov A.V., Kiselev M.Y. Application of Neurofuzzy Technologies to Solving Problems of Identification of Nonlinear Dependencies. Mathematical and Software of Intelligent Systems MPZIS-2021: Abstracts of the Reports of the XIX International Scientific and Practical Conference, Dnipro: DNU, 2021. pp. 157-158. http://mpzis.dnu.dp.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/mpzis-2021.pdf
- Kiseleva O.M., Prytomanova O.M., Don Ya.B. Forecasting based on fuzzy time series. Mathematical and Software of Intelligent Systems MPZIS-2021: Abstracts of the XIX International Scientific and Practical Conference, Dnipro: DNU, 2021. P. 85-86. http://mpzis.dnu.dp.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/mpzis-2021.pdf
- Kiseleva O.M., Prytomanova O.M., Lebedev D.M., Baleyko N.V. Application of the theory of optimal partitioning to the construction of fuzzy Voronoi diagrams. Mathematical and Software of Intelligent Systems MPZIS-2021: Abstracts of the XIX International Scientific and Practical Conference, Dnipro: DNU, 2021. Pp. 87-88. http://mpzis.dnu.dp.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/mpzis-2021.pdf
- Kiseleva O.M., Prytomanova O.M., Stroeva V.O., Stroeva G.V. Optimal placement of the network of secondary education institutions on the territory of amalgamated communities. Mathematical and Software of Intelligent Systems MPZIS-2021: Abstracts of the XIX International Scientific and Practical Conference, Dnipro: DNU, 2021. pp. 89-90. http://mpzis.dnu.dp.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/mpzis-2021.pdf
- Kiseleva O.M., Prytomanova O.M., Padalko V.G. On the algorithm for constructing additive and multiplicative Voronoi diagrams under conditions of uncertainty // Intelligent Decision Making Systems and Problems of Computational Intelligence – ISDMCI'2020: Materials of International Scientific Conference, Kherson. 2020. – P. 71. http://dspace.tnpu.edu.ua/bitstream/123456789/16389/1/ISDMCI_2020.pdf
Academic disciplines: - "Simulation Modeling of Economic Systems" — for applicants of the fourth year of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education of the OP "Economic Cybernetics", OP "Economic Analytics"
- "Training" — for applicants of the third year of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education of the OP "Economic Cybernetics"
- "Neuro-fuzzy technologies for modeling complex systems" is an elective discipline for applicants for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education
- "Applied Modeling" — for first-year applicants of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education
Educational and methodological publications: - Kiseleva O.M., Prytomanova O.M.Optimization methods. Part 1. Linear programming: a textbook. Dnipro: Lira, 2021. 160 p. (10 d.a., personally the author owns 5 d.a.)
- Velykoivanenko G.I., Prytomanova O. Methodological recommendations for the preparation and defense of qualification bachelor's work. Kyiv: KNEU, 2024. 53 p. [Electronic resource] URL:
- Velykoivanenko G.I., Prytomanova O. Program of practice and methodological recommendations for its implementation. Kyiv: KNEU, 2024. 35 p. [Electronic resource] URL:
- Prytomanova O. Work program of the academic discipline "Simulation Modeling of Economic Systems" [Electronic resource] Kyiv: KNEU, 2024. 17 p. URL:
- Prytomanova O. Methodical materials for the study of the academic discipline "Simulation modeling of economic systems" [Electronic resource]. Kyiv: KNEU, 2024. 25 p. URL:
- Prytomanova O.Work program of the educational component "Training" [Electronic resource]. Kyiv: KNEU, 2024. 16 p. URL:
- Prytomanova O. Methodical materials for the study of the educational component "Training" [Electronic resource]. Kyiv: KNEU, 2024. 23 p. URL:
- Simulation modeling of economic systems - Prytomanova- INEM49019U[Electronic resource]: distance course Moodle for students of IITE of the educational program "Economic Cybernetics" (full-time (full-time) form of study). Developers – Prytomanova O.M. Kyiv: KNEU, 2024. URL: https://ido-m.kneu.edu.ua/moodle/course/view.php?id=5473
- Simulation modeling of economic systems - Prytomanova- INEM49019U_DIST[Electronic resource]: distance course Moodle for students of IITE of the educational program "Economic Cybernetics" (distance learning). Developers - Prytomanova O.M. Kyiv: KNEU, 2024. URL: https://ido-m.kneu.edu.ua/moodle/course/view.php?id=5474
- Velykoivanenko G.I., Prytomanova O. Moodle-course of the educational component "Training" Kyiv: KNEU, 2023. [Electronic resource]. URL: https://ido-m.kneu.edu.ua/moodle/course/view.php?id=4439
- Prytomanova O. Moodle-course of the discipline "Neuro-fuzzy technologies for modeling complex systems" Kyiv: KNEU, 2023. [Electronic resource]. URL: https://ido-m.kneu.edu.ua/moodle/course/view.php?id=4341
- Prytomanova O.Moodle-course of the discipline "Applied Modeling" Kyiv: KNEU, 2023. [Electronic resource]. URL: https://ido-m.kneu.edu.ua/moodle/course/view.php?id=34211