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- Baranyk Zoia Pavlivna
Zoia Baranyk Department: | Department of Mathematical Modeling and Statistics |
Position: | professor |
Teacher degree: | professor |
Degree: | Doctor of Economics |
Teaching Experience: | 44 |
Education - 1970-1974 D.S.Korotchenko Kyiv Institute of National Economy
- 1983-1987 postgraduate studies at D.S.Korotchenko Kyiv Institute of National Economy
- 1987- scientific degree - Candidate of Economic Sciences, dissertation on the topic "Statistical research of reserves for increasing the efficiency of working time use at industrial enterprises" (08.00.11 - Statistics)
- 2004-2007 doctoral studies at Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University
- 2007- academic title - Doctor of Economic Sciences, dissertation on the topic "Statistical assessment of the labor market of Ukraine (methodology and practice)" (specialty 08.00.10 - Statistics)
- 2010- professor at the Department of Statistics, now - professor at the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Statistics
Work experience - From 1981 to the present – Department of Mathematical Modeling and Statistics
Awards and honorary titles - Awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine (incentive departmental award of the 1st degree), the badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "Excellent Education Worker", has scientific title "Honored Employee of the Vadym Hetman Kyiv National University".
Advanced training and internship 1. State Higher Educational Institution "Kyiv National Economic University named after V. Hetman", Institute of Postgraduate Education, Certificate No. 12СС 02070884/070057-20, program "Distance Technologies in the Educational Space of the University", 12/24/2020, 120 hours 2. Participation in the XV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Science, innovations and education problems and prospects", which was held in Tokyo, Japan, 09/21-23/2022, 24 hours 3. Participation in the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Scientific research in the modern world", which was held in Toronto, Canada, 24 hours (hours) of participation (participation), 02/9-11/2023, 24 hours 4.Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, Certificate of Advanced Training Series 202303051 No. 106, Online course International Urban Forum "Economics of Urban Renewal", 03/23/2023, 30 hours 5. V. Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, Anatoly Poruchnyk Educational and Scientific Institute of Business Education, Certificate No. 1202, program "Distance Technologies in the Educational Space of the University", 12/20/2023, 180 hours (6 credits) She is a member of the Specialized Academic Council at the Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University for the defense of doctoral and candidate theses in the specialty of statistics. Under her scientific supervision, 14 candidate theses were defended. In 2017 2 candidates for a candidate's degree and 1 candidate for a doctorate degree passed preliminary defense. In 2010-2016, she was repeatedly the Head and member of the expert commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, for assessing the compliance of educational activities of higher educational institutions with state requirements for accreditation of the specialty "Applied Statistics" for training and retraining at the educational and qualification level of bachelor, specialist, master in the field of knowledge 0305 "Enterprise Economics" 2010-2016. 2014-2017. Head of the SEC of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit. 2017-2018. Head of the SEC at the University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine. Member of the editorial board of a scientific publication included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, or a foreign peer-reviewed scientific publication "Modeling and Information Systems in Economics" |
 Department: | Department of Mathematical Modeling and Statistics |
Position: | professor |
Teacher degree: | professor |
Degree: | Doctor of Economics |
Teaching Experience: | 44 |
Biography: | |
Education - 1970-1974 D.S.Korotchenko Kyiv Institute of National Economy
- 1983-1987 postgraduate studies at D.S.Korotchenko Kyiv Institute of National Economy
- 1987- scientific degree - Candidate of Economic Sciences, dissertation on the topic "Statistical research of reserves for increasing the efficiency of working time use at industrial enterprises" (08.00.11 - Statistics)
- 2004-2007 doctoral studies at Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University
- 2007- academic title - Doctor of Economic Sciences, dissertation on the topic "Statistical assessment of the labor market of Ukraine (methodology and practice)" (specialty 08.00.10 - Statistics)
- 2010- professor at the Department of Statistics, now - professor at the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Statistics
Work experience - From 1981 to the present – Department of Mathematical Modeling and Statistics
Awards and honorary titles - Awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine (incentive departmental award of the 1st degree), the badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "Excellent Education Worker", has scientific title "Honored Employee of the Vadym Hetman Kyiv National University".
Advanced training and internship 1. State Higher Educational Institution "Kyiv National Economic University named after V. Hetman", Institute of Postgraduate Education, Certificate No. 12СС 02070884/070057-20, program "Distance Technologies in the Educational Space of the University", 12/24/2020, 120 hours 2. Participation in the XV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Science, innovations and education problems and prospects", which was held in Tokyo, Japan, 09/21-23/2022, 24 hours 3. Participation in the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Scientific research in the modern world", which was held in Toronto, Canada, 24 hours (hours) of participation (participation), 02/9-11/2023, 24 hours 4.Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, Certificate of Advanced Training Series 202303051 No. 106, Online course International Urban Forum "Economics of Urban Renewal", 03/23/2023, 30 hours 5. V. Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, Anatoly Poruchnyk Educational and Scientific Institute of Business Education, Certificate No. 1202, program "Distance Technologies in the Educational Space of the University", 12/20/2023, 180 hours (6 credits) She is a member of the Specialized Academic Council at the Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University for the defense of doctoral and candidate theses in the specialty of statistics. Under her scientific supervision, 14 candidate theses were defended. In 2017 2 candidates for a candidate's degree and 1 candidate for a doctorate degree passed preliminary defense. In 2010-2016, she was repeatedly the Head and member of the expert commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, for assessing the compliance of educational activities of higher educational institutions with state requirements for accreditation of the specialty "Applied Statistics" for training and retraining at the educational and qualification level of bachelor, specialist, master in the field of knowledge 0305 "Enterprise Economics" 2010-2016. 2014-2017. Head of the SEC of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit. 2017-2018. Head of the SEC at the University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine. Member of the editorial board of a scientific publication included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, or a foreign peer-reviewed scientific publication "Modeling and Information Systems in Economics" |
Department: | Department of Mathematical Modeling and Statistics |
Areas of research: | Main area of scientific interests: "Methodology of scientific research", "Statistics", "Labor statistics", "Labor market statistics", "Socio-demographic statistics", "Demographic statistics", "Regional statistics", "Methodology of statistical analysis and assessment of the functioning of the labor market". Research areas Application of economic and mathematical models and statistical methods of analysis for a comprehensive assessment of complex socio-economic systems in modern conditions of development Methodology of analysis of the structure of the economy and its development Methodology of labor market functioning: statistical assessment Statistical modeling and forecasting of the development of complex economic systems Information and analytical support for a comprehensive assessment of the activities of industrial enterprises Profiles in scientometric databases |
Uploaded files: | 0 |
Publications: | Has more than 250 scientific papers and publications 1)the presence of a scientific publication in a periodical that is included in scientometric databases, in particular Scopus or WebofScienceCoreCollection, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science; 1. Baranik Z.P.Forecasting the main characteristics of crop insurance market: collection of scientific works/ editor-in-chief V.K. Galitsyn. 2016. №92.1 – 232 p. . – Kyiv: KNEU, 2016. 2. Baranik Z.P., Boshko S.I.Current problems of information provision and analytical support for energy efficiency statistical assessment in Ukraine: collection of scientific works/ editor-in-chief V.K. Galitsyn. 2016. №92.1 – 232 p. . – Kyiv: KNEU, 2016. 3. Z. Baranik, А. Cherep, О.Bondarenko, K. Khavrova, S. Kharabuga. Analysis and modeling of an iron ore enterprise`s production potential in Kryvyi Rih region.-№4 2020-Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu.- Рp. 130-140 (Scopus) 4. Z. Baranik, T. Beridze, A. Cherep, V. Korenyev, I. Vasylchuk. Analysis of the regression model of the enterprise’s financial activity by research on residual error. №2 2021Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu.Рp. 193-198 (Scopus) 5. Z. P. Baranyk, V. M. Serebrenikov, T. M. Beridze, A. V. Cherep, N. V. Lokhman, Yu. O. Shvets. Economic and mathematical analysis of the impact of investments on the performance of the enterprise. Financial and credit activities: problems of theory and practice Vol. 4, No. 35 (2020) P. 287-294 (Web OS) 6.Z. Baranik, A. Cherep, Т. Beridze, V. Korenyev, I.Dashko. Assessment of the competitiveness of industrial enterprise activitie. //Financial and credit activities: problems of theory and practice 2021 No. 3 (38) pp. 272–280. (Web OS) 7. Z. Baranik, Т. Beridze, I.Dashko, O. Hamova, S. Tkachenko. Assessment of investment risks of an industrial enterprise// Financial and credit activities: problems of theory and practice 2021, No. 5 (Web OS) 8. Z. Baranik, Т. Beridze, I.Dashko, N.Lokhman,S. Tkachenko. Modeling of investment impacts on industrial enterprise profits.- №4, 2022.-Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu.- Рp. 151-155 (Scopus) 9. Z. Baranik, Т. Beridze, I.Dashko, A.Cherep, N.Lokhman,O.Hamova. Economic and mathematical modeling of the functioning of an industrial enterprise. – Volume 2 (43), 2022. - Financial and credit activities: problems of theory and practice. – P. 182-191. – In English.(Scopus) 10. Z. Baranik, T. Beridze, I. Dashko, O. Hamova, S. Tkachenko. Fundamental imperatives of eliminating uncertainty on the basis of monitoring the activity of the iron ore enterprise.- №3, 2023.-Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu.Рp. 163-168 (Scopus) 11.T.Beridze, Z.Baranik, S.Tkachenko, N.Kutova, O.Korolenko. Investment principles invalue-target processes of electricity consumptionatir on ore enterprises // Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. - №6, 2023.- Рp. 169-175 (Scopus) 12.Z. Baranik, T. Beridze,, I.Mishchuk, O. Galitsyna, A. Buhra. Assessment of the economicsecurity of an industrial enterprise in the paradigm of the systemic and synergetic approach.// Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 2024, № 6, p. 169-178 (Scopus) 2)the presence of scientific publications in scientific journals included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, and/or copyright certificates, and/or patents with a total of five achievements: 1. Baranyk Z.P. Methodological recommendations for internships for students of the specialty 6506 “Applied Statistics” of full-time study: educational and methodological edition // Baranyk Z.P., Mazur M.V., Sirenko K.V. – Kyiv: KNEU, 2014. – 22 p. 2. Baranyk Z.P. Methodological recommendations for internships for students of the specialty 8506 “Applied Statistics” of full-time study: educational and methodological edition // Baranyk Z.P., Sirenko K.V., Mazur M.V. – Kyiv: KNEU, 2014. – 28 p. 3. Baranyk Z.P., Beridze T.M. Principles of forming statistical monitoring at the enterprise: Electronic scientific professional edition “Global and national problems of the economy” No. 7. – 2015. – p.906-909; 4. Baranyk Z.P., Kikosh Y.V. The need for interaction between the educational services market and the labor market in Ukraine. – Kyiv, Economic Bulletin of NTUU "KPI" No. 12, 2015. – p.126 - 137; 5. Baranyk Z.P. Chernenko D. I. Grouping of regions of Ukraine depending on the level of development of the laboratory medical services market / Z. P. Baranyk, D. I. Chernenko // Business Inform. – 2015. – No. 5. – P. 65–70; 6. Baranyk Z.P., Beridze T.M. Mathematical efficiency of the organizational and economic state of mining enterprises. Scientific publication. International Humanitarian University, Odesa No. 15 – 2016. – p.8-13; 7. Baranyk Z.P., Karabanova O.V. Factors influencing the state and development of the labor potential of Ukraine: statistical aspect // Statistics of Ukraine No. 1, 2016 (72) pp. 42-50; 8. Baranyk Z.P., Karabanova O.V. Assessment of the development trend of labor potential of Ukraine // Applied statistics: problems of theory and practice NASAO, Issue 18-19, 2016. – pp. 11-17; 9. Baranyk Z.P., Beridze T.M. Improvement of conceptual provisions of statistical monitoring in the system of strategic management of the enterprise / Z.P. Baranyk., T.M. Beridze // Applied statistics: problems of theory and practice. Collection of scientific works. National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit. Collection of scientific works. - Kyiv.- 2016 – pp. 5-11; 10. Baranyk Z.P. Statistical assessment of the influence of socio-economic factors on the level of labor migration // Z.P. Baranyk // Statistical assessment of socio-economic development: collection of scientific works. Khmelnytskyi. – 2016. P.30-33; 11. Baranyk Z.P., Forecasting the main characteristics of the agricultural crop insurance market // Z.P. Baranyk. O.V. Voitko // Modeling and information systems in economics: collection of scientific papers. – K.: KNEU.- 2016; 12. Baranyk Z.P., Karabanova O.V. Factors influencing the state and development of the labor potential of Ukraine: statistical aspect // Statistics of Ukraine No. 1, 2016 (72) p.42-50; 13. Baranyk Z.P., Karabanova O.V. Assessment of the trend of the development of the labor potential of Ukraine // Applied statistics: problems of theory and practice NASAO, Issue 18-19, 2016. – p.11-17; 14. Baranyk Z.P., Beridze T.M. Improvement of conceptual provisions of statistical monitoring in the system of strategic management of an enterprise / Z.P. Baranyk., T.M. Beridze // Applied statistics: problems of theory and practice. Collection of scientific works. National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit. Collection of scientific works. - Kyiv.- 2016; 15. Baranyk Z.P. Statistical assessment of the influence of socio-economic factors on the level of labor migration // Z.P. Baranyk // Statistical assessment of socio-economic development: collection of scientific works. Khmelnytsky. - 2016. P.30-33; 16. Baranyk Z.P. Basic models of complex monitoring in the system of strategic management of an enterprise / Baranyk Z.P. Stoletova I.G. // II International scientific and practical conference "Modern socio-economic systems: development trends", Kryvyi Rih, CF of the State Higher Educational Institution "ZNU". 2016. - P. 3-7; 17. Baranyk Z.P. Modernization of the content of educational programs as a key factor in increasing the competitiveness of youth in the labor market// Z. P. Baranyk, Yu.V. Irynevych // State Higher Educational Institution "Kyiv National University named after Vadym Hetman". – 2016. – p. 299-300; 18. Baranyk Z.P. Conceptual principles of monitoring in the strategic management system of an enterprise / Z.P. Baranyk T.M. Beridze, // XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference "State Statistics System in Ukraine: Current Status, Problems, Prospects". Kyiv. – 2016; 19. Zoja Baranyk, Julia Irynevych Evaluation of youth employment in Ukraine // XXIII Ukrainian-Polish-Slovak scientific seminar // October 12-13, 2016, Kyiv, Ukraine; 20. Baranyk Z.P., Petukhova O.A. Regional aspect of statistical assessment of socio-economic development of regions of the country - Scientific notes: Collection of scientific works /. 2017. No. 18 - 240 p. - Kyiv: KNEU, 2017; 21. Baranyk Z.P., Beridze T.M. Synthesis of the mechanism of information support for strategic management of the production system - Modeling and information systems in economics: Collection of scientific works / Ed. V.K. Galitsyn. 2017. No. 94 Kyiv: KNEU. - 86-95 p.; 22. Baranyk Z.P., Irynevych Yu.V. Social protection of youth in the labor market: statistical aspect // Scientific notes: Collection of scientific works - vol. 16. – Kyiv: KNEU, 2014 – p.125-131; 23. Baranyk Z.P. Methodological approaches to statistical assessment of the employment component of innovative development of labor potential / Z. P. Baranyk, O. V. Karabanova // Regional Economy and Management. 2018. – No. 2(20).- P.46-53.; 24. Baranyk Z.P., Karabanova O.V., Statistical assessment of the employment component of the labor force, / Khmelnytskyi, Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law, 2018; 25. Baranyk Z.P., Globa A.M. Theoretical and methodological principles of statistical analysis of the state debt of Ukraine – Economics and Entrepreneurship: Collection of scientific works / 2019. No. 43 – 135 - 150 p. – Kyiv: KNEU, 2019; 26. Baranyk Z.P., Petukhova O.A. Forecasting the main indicators of unemployment in Ukraine for 2019 – 2022 – Strategy of economic development of Ukraine: collection of scientific works / 2019. No. 45 - P. 5-14. – Kyiv: KNEU, 2019; 27. Zoia Baranyk, Bohdan Hopkalo GOVERNMENT REGULATION OF SOCIAL PROTECTION FOR THE PUBLIC IN UKRAINE AND THE EU // XXYI Ukrainian-Polish-Slovak scientific seminar // October 8-9, 2019, Kyiv, Ukraine; 28. Baranyk Z.P., Hopkalo B.S. Experience of state regulation of social protection for the population in Ukraine and EU countries - Modeling and information systems in the economy: collection of scientific works / Ed. V.K. Galitsyn. 2019. No. 97. -Kyiv: KNEU. – 13-21p.; 29. Baranyk Z.P., Hopkalo B.S. Problems of reforming the system of social protection of the population in the conditions of intensive development of information systems // VIII International scientific and practical conference "The role of business analytics and accounting in solving energy and socio-economic problem of Ukraine"// March 12 – 13, 2020, Dnipro, Ukraine; 30. Baranyk Z.P., Hopkalo B.S. Theoretical and methodological principles of statistical analysis of state social protection of the population of Ukraine – Formation of market relations in Ukraine: collection of scientific works / 2020. No. - Kyiv: KNEU. – 36 – 45 p. 31. Baranyk Z.P., Beridze T. M. Modeling the COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine. Trade and Market of Ukraine No. 1 (49) 2021.P. 8-17(International representation and indexing of the journal Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, ResearchBib, Scientific Indexing Services, Crossref, Ulrich's Periodical Directory, EZB (Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek)). 32. Kashina G.S., Pisarenko N.V., Baranyk Z.P., Gromozdova L.V., Derbenyova Ya.V. Theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation of the content and structure of professionally oriented disciplines during the training of managers and marketers of tourist services // "Bulletin of Science and Education (Series "Philology", Series "Pedagogy", Series "Sociology", Series "Culture and Art", Series "History and Archaeology")". - Issue No. 4(10) 2023. - 898 p. - P.494-509. (The journal is included in the international scientometric databases Index Copernicus (IC), Research Bible, the international search engine Google Scholar). 33. Baranyk Z.P., Buksina I.V., Reznichenko A.O., Titov V.V., Artemenko A.I. Marketing pricing of products as an element of the competitiveness of enterprises // Scientific and practical professional journal "Problems of innovation and investment development". - No. 30, 2023. - P.89-98. (The journal is included in the international scientometric databases Index Copernicus (IC), WorldCat, Dimensions, DoiCrossref, etc., the international search engine Google Scholar). 34. Baranyk Z.P., Lokhman N.V., Beridze T.M., Bugra A.V. Mathematical paradigm in assessing the competitiveness of an industrial enterprise. // Trade and market of Ukraine: thematic collection of scientific papers. / Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Tugan Baranovsky. - No. 1 (53). - Kryvyi Rih: DonNUET, 2023. - P. 90-100. (The journal is included in the international scientometric databases Index Copernicus (IC), WorldCat, Dimensions, DoiCrossref, etc., the international search engine Google Scholar). 35. Baranyk Z. P., Lokhman N. V., Beridze T. M., Bugra A. V. Forecasting the cost of iron ore raw materials based on statistical analysis of time series. Trade and market of Ukraine: thematic collection of scientific works / Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky. No. 1 (55). - Kryvyi Rih: DonNUET, 2024. - P. 79- 89. (International representation and indexing IndexCopernicus, GoogleScholar, ResearchBib, ScientificIndexingServices, Crossref, Ulrich’sPeriodicalDirectory, EZB(ElektronischeZeitschriftenbibliothek), CiteFactor, AdvancedScienceIndex). 36. Baranyk Z. P., Irinevych Yu. V. Improving the conceptual apparatus of the transport services market from the position of a statistical approach.//Collection of scientific works "Economics and Entrepreneurship", No. 53, 2024, KNEU. - P.24-41. 3) availability of a published textbook or teaching aid recommended by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports, another central executive body or the academic council of an educational institution, or a monograph 1. Baranyk Z.P. Functioning of the labor market: statistical assessment: Monograph. - Kyiv: KNEU, 2007. - 392 p. 2. Mantsurov I.G., Baranyk Z.P., Vashchayev S.S., Yatsenko A.V. Balance of demand and supply in the skilled labor market as a factor of innovative development of the economy of Ukraine: monograph / I.G. Mantsurov, Z.P. Baranyk, S.S. Vashchayev, A.V. Yatsenko; scientific editor: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. I.G. Mantsurov. - Kyiv: KNEU, 2008. - 381 p. 3. State policy of regional development of Ukraine: information and analytical support for development and implementation: monograph / I.G. Mantsurov, O.Yu. Rudchenko, Z.P. Baranyk, S.G. Dryga, Ya.V. Khrapunova and others; [edited by the scientific editorship of Doctor of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine I.G. Mantsurov]. – Kyiv: KNEU, - 2018. – 363 p. 4. Research of problematic aspects of nature use for rationalization and efficiency of its management / Baranyk Z.P., Danylyshyn B.M., Ablova O.K., Artemenko A.I., Voloshyn O.S.// Trends in scientific thought in economic and management: collective monograph.–USA: International Science Group, Boston, Primedia eLaunch 2021, 502 p. - P.35-42. 5. Theoretical aspects of the psychology of management and business process management at the enterprise/Pysarenko N.V., Kalinin A.M., Baranyk Z.P.//Mental health of the individual and the organization: collective monograph. Academy of Labor, Social Relations and Tourism/Edited by: G.A. Priba, L.E. Begezy. -Kyiv, 2024.-P.355-369. Patents and certificates of copyright registration for the work: 5 certificates of copyright registration for the work |
Academic disciplines 1."Statistics", mandatory, OP - "Entrepreneurship and business technologies", specialty - 076 "Entrepreneurship, trade and stock exchange activities", field of knowledge - 07 "Management and administration", level of education - first, bachelor's 2."Statistics", mandatory, OP - "Management of business organizations", specialty - 073 "Management", field of knowledge - 07 "Management and administration", level of education - first, bachelor's 3."Statistics", mandatory, OP - "Economics of enterprise", specialty - 051 "Economics", field of knowledge 05 "Social and behavioral sciences", level of education - first, bachelor's 4."Statistics", mandatory, OP - "Economics of agribusiness and agritrading", specialty - 051 "Economics", field of knowledge 05 "Social and behavioral sciences", level of education - first, bachelor's 5."Methodology and practice of statistical assessment of the potential of regions and the level of their socio-economic development", elective, specialty - 051 "Economics", field of knowledge 05 6."Social and behavioral sciences", level of education - third "Statistical support of scientific research", elective, specialty - 051 "Economics", field of knowledge 05 "Social and behavioral sciences", level of education - third Educational and methodical publications and distance courses - Statistics: Educational and methodical manual for independent study of the dissertation / A.M. Erina, R.M. Motoryn, A.V. Golovach, Z.P. Baranyk and others; Editor-in-chief A.M. Erina, R.M. Motoryn.-K.: KNEU, 2001.-448p.
- Baranyk Z.P. Labor Statistics: Textbook-K.:KNEU, 2003.-246p.
- Baranyk Z.P. Labor Market Statistics: Textbook for independent study of a dissertation-K.:KNEU, 2003.-147p.
- Economic Statistics: Textbook for independent study of a dissertation / R.M.Motoryn, A.V.Golovach, A.V.Sydorova, Z.P.Baranyk et al.; Ed. R.M.Motoryn. - K.:KNEU, 2005.-326p.
- Market Statistics: Textbook for higher education. / Mantsurov I.G., Baranyk Z.P., Golovach A.V. et al. / Edited by Dr. of Economics Prof. I.G. Mantsurov.-K.: KNEU, 2009.-544p.
- I.G. Mantsurov, Z.P. Baranyk, A.V. Golovach and others. Market Statistics: Workshop/Edited by Dr. of Economics Prof. I.G. Mantsurov-K.: KNEU, 2010.-498p.
- Baranyk Z.P. Statistics: Textbook for distance learning / Edited by R.M. Motorin. -K.: University "Ukraine", 2005.- 268p.
- Baranyk Z.P. Labor Market Statistics: Textbook-K.: KNEU, 2005.-167p.
- Baranyk Z.P. Econometrics: Textbook for distance learning training/Z.P. Baranyk, I.V. Ponomarenko; Scientific editor V.B. Zakhozhaya-K.: University "Ukraine", 2007.-190p
- Baranik Z.P. Labor statistics: Teaching and methodical manual for independent study of the doctoral dissertation-K.: KNEU, 2005.-200 p.
- Baranyk Z.P. Statistics: distance learning course Moodle. - K.: KNEU, 2021. - URL: INST25049U
- Baranik Z.P. Statistics: distance learning course Moodle. - K.: KNEU, 2021. - URL: INST25049U_DIST
- Baranik Z.P., Sirenko K.V., Mazur M.V. Methodical materials for studying the academic discipline "Statistics" for students of specialty 051 "Economics". K.: KNEU. 2023. URL: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/12dT66M9QLCAC0gH4jAkDmgVj96tgZ6hf
- Baranik Z.P., Sirenko K.V., Mazur M.V. Working program of the academic discipline "Statistics" for students of specialty 051 "Economics". K.: KNEU. 2023. URL: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/12dT66M9QLCAC0gH4jAkDmgVj96tgZ6hf