Educational and methodological workThe Department teaches more than twenty disciplines and maintains the lifelong education process in the field of the economic mathematical modelling starting from core and selective courses for second-year students in the field of Economics and Entrepreneurship and finishing with master-level disciplines developed on a speciality basis. Materials to support the teaching process have been fully developed for all disciplines assigned to the Department: lectures, practical and laboratory training sessions, workshops, business games, consultations and individual sessions, ongoing knowledge control and examinations in accordance with decisions of the Academic Council and the Rector's Office of the KNEU. Methodological materials on the contents and the organisation of the self-study work of students, the ongoing and final control of their knowledge in all disciplines assigned to the Department have been developed and placed on the University's web site. The educational methodology materials were developed for the workshop in the System of Mathematical Models of the Selection of an Investment Project for master-level students in Modelling and Information Technologies in the Economy, as well as materials for the business game in the Modelling of a Management Decision on the Support to the Small Business for the course in Mathematical Models and Market Economy Methods, as well as a practical workshop in the Search for Reserves: a Business Game for the course in Economic and Mathematical Modelling. New textbooks and self-study manuals are being developed and published on an ongoing basis together with reviewing and upgrading working curricula and other methodological materials.
Last redaction: 27.02.25 |