Institute of Information Technologies in Economy

List of projects

  • Work performer: Dzhalladova Irada Agaverdi kizy. MeMovII.EV 902004007/21400 c.p. (research project No. 02.2.69/0.0./0.0/18/053/0016962) by the grant FP-S-22-7977. Term: from 1.07 to 30.09.2022. Customer: Internal GrantAgency at Brno University of Technology.
  • Work performer: Dzhalladova Irada Agaverdi kizy. Participation in the program of the National Scientific Center of scientists from Ukraine to continue scientific research in Poland. Term: 1.09.2022 - 28.02.2023. Customer: University of Bialystok (Bialystok, Poland).
  • Work performer: Mamonova Anna Valeriyevna. Internship at the International Research Center for Neurointelligence, University of Tokyo (Japan). The internship is carried out within the framework of the “Emergency Assistance Program for Scientists and Students at Risk after Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine”. The internship program includes conducting scientific and methodological seminars on meta-analysis and mathematical statistics for the staff of the Children’s Laboratory of the International Research Center for Neurointelligence, University of Tokyo (IRCN Babylab); conducting a research experiment on the effectiveness of studying mathematics using comics.. Term: from August 2022 to April 2023.
Scientific and technical projects of the department
  • The mutual project of the Kyiv National Economic University (KNEU) and the Faculty of Business and Management, Brno University of Technology (FBM BUT) is based on long-term cooperation in the field of science and research on an individual basis under the contract of 2018. The main aim of the project is to provide both students and academics with the opportunity to extend their existing knowledge and skills at a partner university, strengthen the existing relations in the field of education, science and research and thanks to the intense cooperation of teachers, create the joint “Information Security Management” master study programme (Double degree). In the field of science, we will solve issues related to information security together. The following types of mobility are planned within the project: Study stay of KNEU doctoral students at BUT– two PhD students.
  • Framework Agreement on Cooperation between KNEU and Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic). 2017-2022 (Student exchange, exchange of teachers and staff, exchange of scientific and didactic materials, experience and ideas, joint research and educational activities, cooperation within the framework of EU programs and other institutions).
  • Erasmus +2019 – 1 – CZ01 – KA 107 – 061099 Czech Republic.
  • Framework Agreement on Cooperation between KNEU and Białystok University (Poland). 2019-2024 (Student exchange, exchange of teachers and staff, exchange of scientific and didactic materials, experience and ideas, joint research and educational activities, cooperation within the framework of EU programs and other institutions).
  • The Department of Computational Mathematics and Information Security cooperates with SoftServe IT Academy. SoftServe is a leading IT company that provides consulting and services in the field of digital technologies and training. IT Academy at SoftServe University offers a wide range of IT-related specialties - from software development and quality control to project management and business analytics. The department's teachers have completed an internship with the Teacher's DevOps Course.
Last redaction: 08.02.25