Institute of Information Technologies in Economy

Bezkorovainyi Vitalii Serhiiovych

department:Department of Informatics and Systemology
Position:assistant professor
teacher degree:associate professor
Degree:Ph.D. in Economics
In 2002 graduated from Kyiv National University of Economics, specialty - "Economics of Enterprise"
Since 2002, lecturer, assistant, senior lecturer at the Department of Enterprise Economics, Crimean Economic Institute, Kyiv National Economic University
Since 2009, engineer of the department of information and technical support of the educational process of the Crimean Economic Institute of the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
In 2011 graduated from Kremenchug National University named after Mykhailo Ostrogradsky with a degree in Computer Systems and Networks, qualification in Computer Systems Engineer
Since 2011 has been the head of the department of information and technical support of the educational process of the Crimean Economic Institute of the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
In 2017 graduated from the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, specialty - 08.00.11 - mathematical methods, models and information technologies in economics
Since 2018 Assistant Professor of Informatics and Systemology, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
In 2021 defended PhD dissertation: "Monitoring and forecasting the state and dynamics of the foreign exchange market" in the specialty 08.00.11 - mathematical methods, models and information technology in economics