Department of Іnformation Systems in EconomicsThe mission of the Department of Information Systems in Economics is to train highly qualified specialists in the development, implementation and maintenance of information systems and information processing technologies, decision-making systems, as well as software systems for managing complex socio-economic systems based on artificial intelligence tools and means. The concept of training specialists at the department is based on a system that is a rational combination of in-depth fundamental training in computer science, economic cybernetics and practical experience at leading enterprises and organisations in the IT sector. The Department of Information Systems in Economics is one of the oldest in the Institute of Information Technologies in Economics, has a rich history and outstanding scientific traditions, while training specialists in the latest educational areas in accordance with the needs of the professions of the future. The Department of Information Systems in Economics trains specialists in the programme subject area Computer Science at the first (bachelor's) and second (master's) levels. The educational programme is designed in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The educational programme Computer Science is designed for training highly professional IT specialists with up-to-date knowledge in the development, implementation and maintenance of information systems and technologies, intelligent information processing systems, artificial intelligence systems and decision support systems in economics, management and business, as well as in other areas of activity. Why you should choose Computer Science:
The aim of the study is to train specialists capable of applying mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles and basic knowledge in modelling, designing, developing and maintaining information systems and technologies; to develop, implement and maintain information systems for data analysis and processing in organisational, technical, natural and socio-economic systems. BASIC KNOWLEDGE
The Department of Information Systems in Economics trains specialists at the second (master's) level in two educational programmes: Information Control Systems and Technologies and Artificial Intelligence Systems. Duration of training:
The department also takes an active part in training students from all specialities of KNEU in the disciplines of information systems and technologies in the following areas: business economics, marketing, human resources management, statistics, finance, international economics, banking, etc. In different years the department was headed by leading experts of Ukraine in the field of information technologies, in particular: