Research workTitle of the initiative research project: Development of methods of system analysis, socio-cybersecurity, cloud storage analytics and decision-making theory under uncertainty. State registration number: 0121U110936. Scientific supervisor: Dzhalladova Irada Agaverdi-kizy (Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor). Stage: first stage. Deadline: from 2021 to 2025 Scientific results: It was determined that it is incorrect to consider non-Markovian processes only as modifications or corrections of Markovian processes. The results are justified and formulated in the following postulates: non-Markovianity is the rule, and Markovianity is the exception; the reason for the popularity of Markovian processes is that they are completely determined by only two states; a physical process may or may not be Markovian, depending on the variables used to describe it; the basic equation is an equation for the transition probability of a Markov process, valid for any initial time; for a non-Markov process, the initial value problem is not clearly defined unless additional information about the problem is provided; for non-Markov processes, the first-passage problem can be formulated, but its physical relevance is questionable; for the Langevin equation with colored noise, it is impossible to formulate a meaningful initial condition or first-passage time. The model problems show the unique capabilities and shortcomings of the proposed tool. The existing and the author's approach to obtaining the basic equation for determining a non-Markov process is given. In further studies, the obtained results will be developed and model problems that have arisen, in particular, in cryptography, information theory and coding, will be solved. Modern methods of system analysis present the methodology of cybersecurity as a multifaceted formation of an integral component of national security. This component characterizes the state of protection of national interests from external and internal threats in the information sphere. Number of publications on the topic for the reporting period - 25. Number of defended dissertations on the topic of the study for the reporting period: candidate's degree - 1 (Urdenko O.G.). Letter from Dr. Marcia P. Correa, D.Sc. in Ecology & Environmental Sciences Department of Natural Science "Dr. Irada Dzhalladova, V. Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, Ukraine, Dear Dr. Irada Dzhalladova, I am writing this email regarding your research work "Systems of Differential Equations Modeling Non-Markovian Processes". I read and felt that your work is admirable. I have shared the findings of the article with my colleagues. Other scientists in our research community have also highly appreciated them. This shows your potential to influence and inspire fellow researchers and scholars. Your desire to explore new dimensions in your field, which are in line with the scope of our journal, makes me want to learn more about your current research work. I can also connect you with our network of outstanding researchers in your field, as well as recognize your university." text Last redaction: 22.02.25 |