Institute of Information Technologies in Economy

Information about reserved of dissertation

1.  Derbentsev V.D. Analysis and modeling of inflation processes in Ukrainian economy. —Manuscript. Thesis for Candidate degree in Economics. Speciality 08.03.02 — Economic-mathematical modeling . — Kyiv National Economic University, Kyiv, 2001.

2.  Silchenko M.V. Economic-mathematical modeling of the process of price formation in the option market. — Manuscript. The dissertation is submitted for candidate of economic sciences degree. Specialization 08.03.02 — Economic-mathematical modeling. — Kyiv National Economic University, Kyiv, 2002.

3.  Krasiuk I. N. Methods of teaching information technologies to students of economic majors.— Manuscript.Thesis for attaining the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences on major 13.00.02 — theory and methods of teachinginformation technologies. — National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Dragomanov, Kyiv, 2004.

4.  Dybkova L.M.The individual approach in forming a professional competence of future economists. — Manuscript. A thesis on gaining the scientific degree of a candidate of pedagogical sciences, speciality 13.00.04 — theory and methods of professional education. — Institute of higher education of the Academy Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2006.

5.  Kravtchenko V.G.Organizational-economic maintenance of the transport terminal development strategy.—The Manuscript. Dissertation for competition of economic sciences candidate degree by a speciality 08.06.01 — economy, organization and management of the enterprises. National Transport University, Kiev, 2006.

6.  Ganchuk А.А. Design of influencing of globalization processes on functioning of equity market. Manuscript. Thesis for a Candidate’s degree in Economics on the specialty 08.03.02 — Economic and Mathematical Modeling. — Vadym GetmanKyiv National Economic University,Kyiv, 2006.

7.    V.V.Solovyova. Analysis and modeling of Ukraine stock market dynamics.—Manuscript. The dissertation for the scientific degree of the candidate of economic sciences in the speciality 08.03.02. — Economic and mathematical modeling. — Vadym Getman Kyiv National Economic University, Kyiv, 2006.

8.    L.N. PetrenkoModeling of management processes by financial security of the enterprise. —Manuscript. The dissertation for obtaining the scientific degree of the candidate in Economic sciences for specialty — 08.00.11 — Mathematical methods, models and information technologies in economy. — SHEE «Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University», Kyiv, 2010.