Institute of Information Technologies in Economy

Volkova Nataliia Viktorivna

department:Department of Іnformation Systems in Economics
Position:Senior Lecturer
teacher degree: none
Degree: none
 Entered into KNEU in the 1996 year on the  «Economic Cybernetic» specialty . 
Graduated from the university of economic in the 2000 year and has got an education in «management» course 
options offered. Has got  an bachelor of  «Informaton systems in management» Entered to KNEU in master 
course on the  «Economic Cybernetic» specialty in 2000 year   . Finished studing in the KNEU university in
2001 has got a concluded higher education in «Economic Cybernetic» specialty  and become a master of 
«Information systemsin Banks and finance Objects. Since 2003  started work like an assistant  on the pulpit of 
«Information systems in economic» . Become a graduate student on the  08.00.11 specialty-«Mathematical
methods  models and informationtechnologies in the economy».Since 2013 is Senior Lecturer on the Department
of Information Systems in Economics.